If you suffer an accident, dental emergency, or mouth cancer while your Dental Plan is active, you can request assistance from the Scheme. Ensure you take all reasonable precautions to protect yourself against such incidents.
We offer cost-effective plans membership plans for both adults and children so that you can spread the cost of your dental care and get the following great benefits:
A Membership payment plan ensures that you have the opportunity to spread the cost of your dental care with a cost-effective option.
Becoming a member is quick and simpleYou can set up your monthly Direct Debit payment at reception or by getting in touch with the practice. Please note, a £8 registration fee will also be collected with your first month’s collection.
Global Dental A & E SchemeOur dental plans include access to a Global Dental Accident & Emergency Scheme. The Scheme is established to offer support to patients who request assistance or treatment following an accident, a dental emergency or are diagnosed with mouth cancer.
Whilst the scheme aims to provide benefits in most cases, the scheme is a wholly discretionary scheme, not an insurance scheme. It has no obligation to provide benefits and the Scheme Manager will look at each request individually to decide whether or not to provide benefits.
Further details are available from the practice or you can visit to find out more.
If you suffer an accident, dental emergency, or mouth cancer while your Dental Plan is active, you can request assistance from the Scheme. Ensure you take all reasonable precautions to protect yourself against such incidents.
You can submit a Request for Assistance Form, available at www.globaldentalscheme.co.uk. The form should be submitted to the Scheme Manager by email or post within the specified time limits outlined on the form.
The Scheme Manager will review your request and assess it against the Benefits guidelines included in the Scheme rules. The approval is at the Scheme Manager’s discretion, and Benefits will only be paid if the request meets the criteria.
Yes, if the Scheme Manager agrees to your request for assistance for treatment abroad, Benefits will be paid in Pounds Sterling. The exchange rate used will be the one in force on the date of payment, as per the rate provided by National Westminster Bank.
The Scheme provides a guide to the maximum level of Benefits that may be paid for treatment. This is outlined in the Scheme rules and will depend on your request for assistance.
It is important to submit your Request for Assistance Form within the time limits stated on the form. Make sure to check these time limits to ensure your request is processed.
Yes, you can submit your Request for Assistance Form either by email or post, as per the instructions on the form.
The Request for Assistance Form can be downloaded from www.globaldentalscheme.co.uk.
If you have a dental plan with your practice you might be able to request assistance for dental care or treatment.
Emergency dental treatment refers to any urgent dental care required during your Period of Eligibility when you’re unable to access your Dentist’s emergency arrangements. The treatments covered are specified in the benefit table.
Benefits may be payable if you need emergency dental treatment during your Period of Eligibility and cannot reasonably access your Dentist’s emergency arrangements. Each treatment covered has a maximum benefit limit, as shown in the benefit table.
Yes, if you are more than 25 miles away from your dental practice and cannot reasonably access your Dentist’s own emergency arrangements, benefits may be provided towards emergency callout and treatment costs.
Awesome! We accept most insurance plans and can help you file all the paperwork. Get in touch with us to see how we can assist you.